Author name: Abhishek Raj

Lightning Components As Flow Screens

Lightning Components As Flow Screens

One of the biggest feature announcement of Spring ’18 is Flow Components. World of Lightning Components have reached lightning flow.We can directly drag the Lightning component written by someone else to our flow screen, and thus it dramatically improves the range of things we could do using flow the screen. We just need to implement …

Lightning Components As Flow Screens Read More »

Reusable Lightning Notification On Record Update (Backend/API/UI) using Lightning Data service

Reusable Lightning Notification On Record Update (Backend/API/UI) using Lightning Data service

A very common scenario faced in various organizations is that multiple users are working on same set of records and end up editing the same record which has been edited by a different user. The user who last clicks on the save button gets error message saying “error…being edited by…”. All last typed text is …

Reusable Lightning Notification On Record Update (Backend/API/UI) using Lightning Data service Read More »


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